"We found Wide Sky a very professional and approachable organisation to work with, guiding us ably through the process and set-up of the interactive RFID units. They have provided a system which is easy to use, update and change as necessary. The after sales support and service has also been excellent" Lime & Ice Project Officer
Sutton Bank
RFDI technology allows each interactive is triggered by the visitor choosing one of the many objects - themed to the content and talking points in their own right - placed around the space and placing it in front of the screen.
The Lime and Ice project creates opportunities to learn, explore and enjoy the landscape heritage of the North York Moors National Park and the Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The project is part of the CAN DO Partnership’s aim to promote understanding and access to the area’s cultural and natural heritage.

Working alongside leading interpretation consultants Imagemakers these interactive ‘Hubs’ deliver content themed around three core aspects of Sutton Bank:
- Life and the Landscape explores the social and working history of the area as well as showing current working practices in and around the landscape.
- Pressure and Power examines the natural forces at work including the formation of Sutton Bank and the geology of the wide area.
- Out and About inspires the visitor to go expand their horizons and explore further be it on foot, by bike, horse or even glider.

Life and the Landscape

Pressure and Power

Each interactive is triggered by the visitor choosing one of the many objects placed around the space and placing it in front of the screen. The objects are themed to the content and provide a talking point in their own right as well as the means to start the journey.
Depending on the size and shape each object has one or more RFID (definition below) tags hidden within to identify it to the hub and enable relevant content to be displayed on the touch screen. All content is held within a database driven management system providing the visitor centre with the ability to add more objects and change the content.
Depending on the size and shape each object has one or more RFID (definition below) tags hidden within to identify it to the hub and enable relevant content to be displayed on the touch screen. All content is held within a database driven management system providing the visitor centre with the ability to add more objects and change the content.

The painter JMW Turner RA first visited Yorkshire in 1797 and returned throughout his life sketching and painting the views from many angles. His sketches of the area have only very recently been identified as Sutton Bank as part of a comprehensive cataloguing of Turner’s Yorkshire sketches for the Tate.

Should the visitor wish to get creative there is an opportunity to enter the world of Turner and imagine how one of his sketches may have looked had it been painted. The resulting masterpiece is then emailed to them as a keepsake of the day.

Radio Frequency Identification
RFID is the use of a wireless non-contact system using radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a ‘tagged’ object to a computer for the purposes of identification, tracking and measurement. The tags require no battery, being powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. The tag contains electronically stored information which can be read by an antenna several inches away. The tag does not need to be within line of sight of the antenna although it must not be in close proximity to metallic objects.
RFID is the use of a wireless non-contact system using radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a ‘tagged’ object to a computer for the purposes of identification, tracking and measurement. The tags require no battery, being powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. The tag contains electronically stored information which can be read by an antenna several inches away. The tag does not need to be within line of sight of the antenna although it must not be in close proximity to metallic objects.